ATOM EC Series


The benefits of this new technology are torque and high speed when compared to the same sizing. The lack of cogging, a reduced ripple torque, a linear correlation between speed and torque, and low inertia bring performance to a greater level in terms of power, and dynamics through reduced weights and dimensions.
Servotecnica’s brushless motors apply hall sensors as a standard option and have the magnetic encoder option. Thanks to the sensors, it is possible to control rotation speed and, thanks to the lack of cogging, provide high performance and accuracy.

Technical Specifications

  • From 12 to 40mm diameter
  • Up to 200mNm continuous torque
  • Gearboxes and encoders available


High efficiency
Low inertia
Low noise



 SVTN A 01 Series

Nominal voltageV69
No load speedrpm2500036890
No load currentmA6983
Nominal speedrpm1653629888
Nominal torquemNm1,51,3
Nominal currentA0,750,66
Stall torquemNm4,436,85
Stall currentA2,073,1
Max. efficiency%66,870
Terminal resistance*Ω2,92,9
Terminal inductance*mH0,190,19
Torque constantmNm/A2,222,27
Speed constantrpm/V43104212
Speed/torque gradientrpm/mNm56425386
Mechanical time constantms109,6
Rotor inertiagcm20,170,17
Thermal resistance housing-ambientK/W38.338.3
Thermal resistance winding-housingK/W9.69.6
Thermal time constant windings55
Thermal time constant motors196196
Ambient temperature°C-30…+100-30…+100
Max. permissible winding temperature°C+125+125
Max. permissible speedrpm5000050000
Radial playpreloadedpreloaded
Max. axial load (dynamic)N0,30,3
Max.force for press fits (static)N1111
Max. radial loading, 5mm from flangeN4.34.3
Number of poles22
Number of phases33